The Italian Sports Center is a non-profit organization, founded on volunteering, which promotes sport as a moment of education, growth, commitment and social aggregation, inspired by the Christian vision of man and history in service to people and to the territory.
Among the oldest sport promotion association in Italy, CSI responds to a demand for sport that is not only numeric but also qualified on a cultural, human and social level. Young people have always been their main point of reference, even if the sports activities promoted are aimed at every age group.
Educating through sport is the mission of the Italian Sports Center. This is now consolidated in the practice and conscience of the association at all levels. The sport understood by the CSI can also be an instrument of prevention towards some particular social pathologies such as loneliness, fears, fears, doubts, deviants of the youngest.
An organized, continuous, serious sport activity, promoted by educators, coaches, referees, managers aware of their educational "mandate", in fact, helps young people to go further, to abandon selfishness and to face the path of sharing, experimentation of the limit, of self-knowledge.
Precisely for this reason, the CSI provides for a joint sports proposal in respect of the age and needs of each athlete, allowing him to discover the best of himself, to learn to know his body, to value it, to estimate it.
The Italian Sports Center is the oldest multi-sports association active in Italy. In 2004 it celebrated its sixty year from the foundation, which dates back to 1944, on the initiative of the Italian Youth of Catholic Action.
Ideally we wanted to continue the experience of FASCI (Federation of Italian Catholic Sports Associations), created in 1906 by the Italian Catholic Action and dissolved in 1927 by the fascist regime.
Over a century of history, during which sport has been transformed from an elite phenomenon into a mass phenomenon.
In all these years a constant commitment, a basic reason as simple as delicately burdensome: to support a sport that goes towards man.

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